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Zones of Regulation Program

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The Zones of Regulation uses a social and emotional framework as a pathway to regulation.

What are the Zones of Regulation?

The Zones help children identify emotions & develop tools to help them regulate their emotions!

Emotions can be confusing and overwhelming, and the Zones is about developing social awareness and helps children learn to understand the connection between their sensory systems and their emotions, and how that relates to the world around them.

The goal of regulation is to get us to a healthy place when we recognise we are becoming less regulated.

The program develops awareness of feelings, energy, and alertness levels in children, while exploring a variety of tools and strategies for regulation, prosocial skills, self-care and overall wellness.

By identifying these feelings and applying tools and strategies, it enables children to meet goals like doing schoolwork or other tasks, managing big feelings, and maintaining healthy relationships.

Facilitators have attended training and receive a curriculum workbook with lesson plan ideas and activities.

Supplemental materials are also used to facilitate learning. These include storybooks, tool cards, and a board game to help learn and apply the steps on the road to regulation in a fun and interactive manner.


The Zones of Regulation was built from many years of clinical experience. It has been widely researched and evidence shows positive, measurable outcomes across multiple studies and applications, including in clinical settings. It has shown therapeutic benefits for children with ASD, ADHD, and is drawn from trauma-informed care practices.

This is a literature review on the Zones of Regulation and its use for neurodiverse children! 

NDIS funding can often be used for this program to help work towards participants emotional regulation goal!

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